Dinner Tonight with REC (Long)
On 27 Jan 2006 05:21:29 +0100, Wayne Boatwright
<wayneboatwright_at_gmail.com> rummaged among random neurons and
>On Thu 26 Jan 2006 09:11:48p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it Mr Libido
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote on 26 Jan 2006 in rec.food.cooking
>>> I've saved it for the next brisket I buy.
>> When I have some time. I wana try this
>> Chinese beef brisket
>This also sounds great, Alan. The flavors sound super! I I've saved it for
>the one after Terry's. :-)
Actually, I was tempted to try this before the one I posted (LA times
article came out the day before I glommed onto the one I posted). I've
now made the dish and the hash - it makes for awesome hash, but
frankly flavorless brisket. I was very disappointed. If you want to
whomp it up for hash, great. Don't expect to make it for anything but
leftovers. Very, very disappointed. OTOH, the red potatoes and onions
cooked with the brisket made for a very nice hash.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"
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