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Default Ginger Peach Black Tea

On 27 Jan 2006 06:32:33 -0800, Dominic T. wrote:

> Derek wrote:
>> On 26 Jan 2006 18:06:40 -0800, Dominic T. wrote:
>>> Wegmans is a chain of
>>> supermarkets that has the largest selection of high end loose teas for
>>> sale of almost anywhere and you get your own and pay by weight.

>> Your Wegmans must stock more teas than ours does.

> Hmm... I thought they all had the same stuff, but I guess not. The
> Wegmans I go to is in State College, PA. They litterally have a 6' deep
> x 20' wide alcove with all three walls made up of shelving like a
> library from floor to cieling, and filled with 2lb. tins of loose tea
> organized by type. It's called "The Tea Spot." ... (snip)

Yes, we have a similar alcove called "The Tea Spot," but with the
exception of a 12 foot section at the back, it's not tins. Most of it
is bagged tea. There are only 30 or so tins of loose tea. They did
have some Adagio teas last weekend when we were there, but only a few.

I really do miss the tea shop in Minneapolis. I'll add it to the list
of reasons why moving to the DC area was a bad idea.


"I'm against a homogenized society, because I want the cream to rise.
-- Robert Frost