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Ray S. & Nayda Katzaman Ray S. & Nayda Katzaman is offline
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Posts: 107
Default look at this, teflon breaksdown with PFOA found in blood of mostAmericans

" wrote:

> As part of the settlement, DuPont agreed to pay $5 million for a study,
> to be completed within three years, examining the potential of nine
> DuPont fluorotelomer-based products to breakdown to form PFOA, which
> can be found in the blood of most Americans.
> now is that worth it, non-stick teflon so can have PFOA in your blood?
> doubt it makes the blood slicker...
> EPA Wants To Eliminate Teflon Chemical
> EPA, Bush's EPA yet, whoa
> Agency Asks Chemical Companies To Stop Using Certain Compounds
> (AP / CBS)
> (AP) The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday invited the
> DuPont Co. and other chemical companies to join a global effort to
> eliminate use of a chemical utilized in making Teflon and other
> nonstick and stain-resistant products that may pose potential health
> risks to humans.
> DuPont agreed last month to pay $10.25 million in fines and $6.25
> million for environmental projects to settle allegations by the EPA
> that the company hid information about the health risks of PFOA.
> naughty naughty dupont, bad dupont
> now let's hear it from those who say that teflon is not dangerous,
> well, maybe so, but what comes out of it, is dangerous
> i don't think teflon is worth having so that the products that break
> down wind up in the blood
> now as we were saying about birds and the outgassing from teflon
> apparently teflon can exude PFOA all on its own, hot damn

Reminds me of the lab test done on rats with saccharine. They put a rat in
a fish tank (we'll call him Sac), and filled the tank half way with
saccharine, then they feed Sac three square meals a day of only saccharine
and quench Sac's thirst with liquid saccharine. At the end of the day,
they bathed Sac with saccharine and bed Sac down on a conformable fluffy
bed of saccharine and fed Sac cookies and milk sweetened with saccharine.
When the Sac died, they found a bunch of cancerous tumors filled with
saccharine. Boy, I wonder where it may have come from!!! This was
somewhere in the late 80s, the control rat did not get the treatment as old
Sac and is still living well and has a big family

Just like everything else in life, if you use moderation, you don't have to
worry about crap like teflon and saccharine. Now on the other hand, if you
are licking your teflon utensils all day, you'll end up like Sac.

Just my two cents.

Austin, TX