"-L." > wrote in message
> Mr Tibbs wrote:
>> They stink up the whole house for days!
My Mom (God rest her soul) made them during the Christmas season -- when it
was too cold to open the windows and air out the house. So, I stayed with
relatives until the cooking was done and the eating was on!
My sister-in-law made some last thanksgiving. Dad used to call them
"Wrinkled Steak" but my brother and neices and nephews refused to touch it.
More for me! Pass the hot sauce!
A Korean friend took me to a Korean restaurant where they had Korean
Chitlins -- although they were called by another name (had a similar
phonetic ring). They were served in a mini cast-iron pot and were still
boiling and bubbling as they reached the table. Served with lots of Asian
hot spices... an interesting take.
I filled a lightbulb with helium and got enlightened