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Default look at this, teflon breaksdown with PFOA found in blood of most Americans

Ray S. & Nayda Katzaman wrote:

> " wrote:
> >
> > As part of the settlement, DuPont agreed to pay $5 million for a study,
> > to be completed within three years, examining the potential of nine
> > DuPont fluorotelomer-based products to breakdown to form PFOA, which
> > can be found in the blood of most Americans.

> > now is that worth it, non-stick teflon so can have PFOA in your blood?
> > doubt it makes the blood slicker...

> Reminds me of the lab test done on rats with saccharine. They put a rat in
> a fish tank (we'll call him Sac), and filled the tank half way with
> saccharine, then they feed Sac three square meals a day of only saccharine
> and quench Sac's thirst with liquid saccharine. At the end of the day,
> they bathed Sac with saccharine and bed Sac down on a conformable fluffy
> bed of saccharine and fed Sac cookies and milk sweetened with saccharine.
> When the Sac died, they found a bunch of cancerous tumors filled with
> saccharine. Boy, I wonder where it may have come from!!! This was
> somewhere in the late 80s, the control rat did not get the treatment as old
> Sac and is still living well and has a big family
> Just like everything else in life, if you use moderation, you don't have to
> worry about crap like teflon and saccharine. Now on the other hand, if you
> are licking your teflon utensils all day, you'll end up like Sac.
> Just my two cents.
> Ray
> Austin, TX

you texans sure do tell tall tales. you ought to run for president. if
you can lie like that, heck, politics would be your bedfellow, to
complete your saccharine metaphor.
i gather you don't understand the protocols for cancer research, do

moderation, yeah right, moderation, bush is all about moderation,
especially on the supreme court.