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Default look at this, teflon breaksdown with PFOA found in blood of most Americans

Ray S. & Nayda Katzaman wrote:
> By the way, my response was the last one, I will not respond to any more of your
> posts.
> Ray
> Austin, TX
> ===

When dealing with people who posture and lie, it is best to keep the
facts out in the open. Especially from Texas where guns and murders are
a way of life. You do not need to know my name since I am not doing
this research. I am just reporting on research that is published in
public documents. You only need to know that your characterization of
cancer research is immature and inaccurate.

I'll deal with just the facts. In cancer research, yes, large
quantities of the carcinogen are given. This is not to falsify but to
accelerate the process of cancer detection. Then the amounts of cancer
produced are compared to similar processes with other substances. If
one chemical produces cancer quickly in large quantities and another
chemical does not, then you can suspect that the first substance is
carcinogenic. Finally, additional tests are done to confirm this is so
in human beings.

Lies are always a problem. In politics and in science. Since Texas has
produced some of our biggest presidential liars which caused wars. Take
LBJ for instance, he lied about the Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam war
escalationfailure was the result. He was a democrat. And now we have
Texan supersized whoppers about weapons of mass destruction. And the
Iraqi war ensued but bin Laden is still free after all these years. We
are very lucky that our economy has not tanked.

You may view Texas as the glue that holds the country together. I view
Texas as the gasoline that has robbed our country of many, many fine
young men, mostly men, and social justice. There was not enough money
to fund the Vietnam War and to fund social programs, in education, in
health care, and so forth. The damage Texans did with false lies to
make wars is incalculable.