modom wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 14:18:07 GMT, jay > wrote:
>>On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:13:05 -0600, modom wrote:
>>>I roasted chicken thighs for dinner tonight:
>>Presentation is horrid...
> It could have been better, I admit, but horrid?
> modom
I wouldn't go as far as horrid at all. The food presented would have
looked better on a more neutral background aka plate. A pale beige or
ivory would have made that chicken pop right out. A perfectionist would
have said to wipe the plate but do any of us do that for home
presentations? While I agree that food is a lot about presentation,
none of us are profressionals so a little lee way can be allowed. I
think some need to be reminded these are pictures of food you have
prepared and take it as is. It is staged, doctored, coloured,
aldulterated, or anything. It is exactly what you made whether your
camera of choice picks up all the nuances or not. Anyone who criticizes
is welcomed to do better or get a life. Your food looked wonderful and
I'm sure it tasted very good. I like the way you did your chicken. Now
when can I come for dinner?