Memo to self
>(Curly Sue)
>Self, schedule the next (self-)cleaning cycle of the oven for a day
>when the exterior doors can be opened.
>The fragrance of January's roast beef is haunting me and I have to
>stick around for 3.5 hr until the cycle is complete!
Why do you need to stick around... can't you do something else in the house
that does not necessitate your hanging out in the kitchen? Doesn't the clean
function shut down at the end of its cycle, and then release the door lock
automatically when the oven is sufficiently cool? As for the odor I follow the
instruction in the owner's manual to have the exhaust fan on during the clean
cycle... I found keeping the fan at its lowest setting is sufficient for
extracting the odor before it can disperse throughout the house.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."