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jake jake is offline
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Default "Strange"foods that I discovered in AMsterdam, finally

Dee Randall wrote:

> I prefer palm oil to Crisco; however I wouldn't use hydrogenated palm oil
> or anything hydrogenated; but I've never seen hydrogenated palm oil

I think they listed 3 ingredients, one of which was unspecified
hygrogenated vegetable oil - the others were palm oil and soybean oil.
It had 1% trans fat.

> tho others may like soybean oil, it does seem that it is hydrogenated an
> awfully lot, so I don't even use it UN-hydrogenated; soybean or safflower
> oil or canola oil.
> I've purchased Spectrum pure palm oil and it is VERY hard. Spectrum palm
> oil seems to stay solid whether at room temperature or not. I use a lot of
> Coconut oil, and it is solid also except it stops being solid at room
> temperature.
> (P.S. I use a combination of coconut oil and butter; sometimes just all
> coconut oil, on popcorn. Organic popcorn, so anyone can see where me and my
> advise/information is coming from, if anyone doesn't like my information.
> Dee Dee

I am starting to ponder how coconut oil would work in baking. It's worth
a try, especially because it is much more easily available here.
I am all for organic, healthy and environmentally friendly cooking
(including avoiding unethical fish and poultry). I don't stick to those
rules 100%, though.