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jake jake is offline
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Default "Strange"foods that I discovered in AMsterdam, finally

Elaine Parrish wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Jan 2006, Dave Smith wrote:
>>Jake wrote:
>>>Hominy and Crisco!
>>>I bought the hominy (which I had never seen before anywhere in the

>>It's not easy to find in this part of Canada. I have to cross the border to
>>try to find it.
>>The first time I had grits was in a restaurant in Virginia. I asked was it
>>was and was told "Grits is grits"..... but what is it.... so she asked
>>another waitress who conformed that grits is grits. When questioned further
>>she said it was hominy. So what is hominy? Neither one new, but having
>>determined that I had never tried grits she gave me some. I liked it.

> Grits are made from dried hominy. Hominy is made from corn. Hominy and
> grits are not the same consumer item. Un-dried hominy comes in a can.
> Dried hominy is ground into grits, which reconstituted, makes a cereal
> like cream of wheat.
> Elaine, too

Then I have dried hominy which I could grind into grits. So I have 2 in
1. Kewl. Plus, now I have an extra excuse for buying a food processor
(which I haven't bought so far because I wasn't convinced I'd actually
use it).