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John Long John Long is offline
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Posts: 18
Default Trans fat - this really bugs me!

BoboBonobo wrote:
> If their priority was our health they would have completely banned
> trans fats years ago.

As you probably know, new regulations have come into effect recently
that require food labels to list trans fat content. That's great. What
bugs me is that prior to this, I've been dutifully observing guidelines
about saturated/unsaturated fats, thinking I've been doing what I should
to keep my body healthy, when in fact I might have been ingesting
something far worse than saturated fat hidden under the label
"unsaturated fat".

This is maddening - and this is not the first time nor likely to be the
last. Every so often they change their story about what you should or
should not eat, and when they do, you'll discover that in light of the
new guidelines, what you've been doing for years was wrong - very wrong.
Every time I see something like this, I'd imagine that there's a
scientist somewhere wearing an evil grin on his face as he types out the
new guidelines, silently saying to all of us "ha ha, thank you for playing!"