How to make Crisps (Potato Chips)
Hi All,
Does anybody have some good tips on making crisps? I am in the UK so my
question relates to thin snack crisps what non-British would probably
call potato chips!!
I have had a look around Google and it is a bit of a mysterious art. So
far I have found the following tips:
# Maris Piper potatoes (or older potatoes) are best
# A 'mandolin' is generally used to slice them evenly and safely (but
I don't know what a good thickness is)
# Vegetable oil is ok - some people like peanut oil. Walkers Crisps
use a blend of palm olein vegetable oil and high oleic sunflower oil to
make all its crisps products. There is less saturated fat in high oleic
sunflower oil.
But then how to flavour them? I want to have a go at making some spicy
chilli crisps. Is it just making sure the spice mix is really fine then
sprinkling it over when still hot?
Some suggestions talk about parboiling (30 secs) then drying before
Any tips on potato variety, which oil, what temperature, how long to
cook, how to avoid sticking, etc., would be greatly appreciated!
Mat G
Birmingham, UK