>(Curly Sue) writes:
>My exhaust fan doesn't work. I am working on getting it
>fixed/replaced. But it's an old, round Air King, discontinued in the
>70s, and fixing it has stymied several local electricians. The
>problem is getting a replacement for the on/off mechanism. I called
>the company last week. The fellow who is familiar with the old
>products won't be in until next week. Replacing it will be an ordeal
>because of the size of the opening in the wall/exterior brick. Plus
>most new exhaust fans seem to be rectangular.
>Anyway, it only has one speed: "hurricane." :>
Thru the wall exhaust fan openings are standard (usually 8" dia.)... you can
probably do the replacement yourself... the cover plates can be round or square
but the fan body and the hole through the wall is always round. First thing
is to order the fan, then find the circuit breaker that controls the fan. Put
it in the off position and remove your fan and place wire nuts on each
individual lead, then energize the circuit and wait for the new fan to
arrive... cover the hole with a piece of cardboard and masking tape. To
install the new fan work in reverse.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."