PING: Sheldon
"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"Nexis" writes:
> >
> >Forgive me if my memory is failing me right now, but didn't you post your
> >recipe/method for corned beef at one point? If I'm not crazy, could you
> >please repost it? Thanks!
> It's also in the r.f.c. cookbook.
> ---= Corned Beef =---
> Choose good grade of thin-cut corned beef (I prefer Nathan's).
> Cook in the largest pot you own. Seriously, cook in lots of water.
> rinse corned beef and and discard spices if present (old spices were used
> or save spice packet if present. Start in cold water. Bring to the boil
> (uncovered). Simmer 1/2 hour, dump water! Yes, discarding water removes
> excess salt/nitrites. Okay, now the actual cooking begins. Start in cold
> water (again? yes, again!). Add spice packet (if none exists or since
> dumped the first batch, add new pickling spices. Bring to the boil, lower
> to low simmer. Simmer aproximately 1 hour and add peeled carrots (whole)
> unpeeled potatoes (whole), bring to simmer again and add cabbage wedges.
> Simmer til veggies are tender and remove. Continue simmering til corned
> is tender yet firm; test with fork (your forking may vary). Remove corned
> to roasting pan fat side up, cover liberally with brown sugar, tent
> with foil, and place in 325 F oven for 30-45 minutes. Remove corned beef
> oven (now place veggies in oven to reheat). Let corned beef rest
uncovered 15
> minutes. With sharp knife slice thinly accross grain, and serve with
> mustard, and beer.
> ---
> ---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> Sheldon
> ````````````
Thanks so much, Sheldon. I did find it in the cookbook after I posted. I
have never prepared or served this, and wanted to give it a try for St.
Patrick's day this year.
Thanks again!!