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Rick & Cyndi
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Default Let's try posting a few Handy Hints-things that make cooking easier.

"Nancree" > wrote in message
: ~~~for those with arthritic hands, screw a cup hook underneath
a kitchen
: cabinet. To open those pop top cans, hook the loop onto the cup
hook, and pull
: down. (someone else posted this, so take credit, whoever you
are.) It works
: painlessly.To open those plastic zip bags that deli meats come
in, I use
: pliers--needlenose ones work best.
: ~~~for an easy breakfast, toast a piece of good bread (Orowheat
Extra Sour rye
: is good.) Then, with the back of a spoon, press down the bread
inside the
: crust making a depression. Crack a raw egg into the depression
and cook to
: your taste. Start with 30 seconds, if that isn't done enough
for you, try more.
: You don't have to wash a single dish, and you can even walk
out the door to
: work while eating it. (precaution: Eggs often explode, so
cover with a piece
: of wax paper, or plastic plate, or microwave shield.)
: ~~~~Keep your poppy seed and cayenne and paprika in your
freezer. It keeps
: the little critters away. I think they're hooked on poppy seed
(opium?) the
: little rascals.
: More later. Join in if you like.
: Nancree

These first couple are more for parents with young children.

1. Use a pizza cutter for cutting pancakes. This is esp.
wonderful when you have to cut up the kids pancakes. It's fast
and you actually have a good chance of your own pancakes still
being hot after cutting up theirs.

2. Slice a hot dog lengthwise before cutting into rounds. The
half-moon shape lessens the chances of choking.

3. Keep a bottle of hand lotion near the sink for use after
washing dishes... also, wrap a rubber band or two around it to
help you grip it. Nothing like having wet or freshly lotioned
hands and not be able to grip the bottle!

4. For less clutter - mount a memo board/calendar *inside* one
of your cabinets to keep your notes, phone numbers, etc. Easily
found yet kept out of sight of company.

5. Have *family* cards (think business cards) made. Ours has
our names, address, home & cell numbers along with our E-mail
address. Be sure to keep one by each phone in case of emergency
(as in a baby sitter or house sitter is in your home and needs to
make emergency/urgent call). This could also come in handy if
you've recently moved into a new home!

6. Presuming you have the storage capacity or hungry neighbors -
cook in bulk when you can. 4 meatloaves instead of just 1 or 2.
Big pot of soup instead of just enough for 1 meal.

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