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Cindy Fuller
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Default Silly rib experiment

In article >,
modom > wrote:

> D picked up a slab of pig ribs Saturday. She's been jonesing for them
> for a week or more. I rubbed them with Gebhardt's chili powder, nuoc
> mam, lime juice, and (a little silly) pumpkin pie spice blend.
> They're in the smoker now.
> The really silly part is that on impulse, I picked up half a Jack
> Daniels' whiskey barrel to use as fire wood. The store was selling
> them for planters, but my little sledge (D calls it a Barbie sledge
> hammer) has reduced mine to slats of old, whiskey-soaked, charred oak.
> I'll smoke the ribs about 5 hours. Could I be on to something? Or
> just silly?

I dunno, it sounds like an okay idea to me.

I may be doing some ribs on the grill tonight as well. I found two
recipes for Thai green curry ribs. One recipe called for braising them,
but it's such a gorgeous day (sunny, mid 60's--eat your hearts out!)
here that the grill is calling out to be used.


C.J. Fuller

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