Pressure Cookers
sd > wrote:
>In article >, "CaptCook" >
>> There have been comments on this board that indicate that new
>> cookers are superior to the old. Please explain. I cannot understand how
>> anything can be easier that the cookers I use.
>notbob covered most of the high points, but I will add that my Fagor is
>easier to clean than my mom's old Presto (yes, I've gotten to clean both
>of them). The Fagor also allows one to cook at different pressures. The
>Mirro/Presto model doesn't offer that.
While I'd love to have a nice shiny new stainless steel Fagor, at this
point in my life, I just couldn't justify the price. Also, I must take
exception to the one pressure statement. I have a Mirro pressure
canner and two Presto pressure cookers that have given yeoman service
for over 25 years. All three of these canner/cookers allow me to
can/cook at 5, 10 or 15 pounds pressure.