Disappointed in SuperTarget's meat dept.!
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 22:05:47 -0600, "K. Reece" > wrote:
>>>Sheeet. Next you know Tyson will be doing beef and pork. The
>>>beginning of the end is so near I can taste it.
>>Too late. They have been doing beef and pork for over a year now.
> I knew that - just being sarcastic.
>>They bought IBP.
> That I didn't know. Who would've ever thought chickens would becsome
> powerfull enough to buy steaks?
> I'm not at all for the consolidation and buyouts of all these big meat
> processing conglomerates. Time for me to invest in a few setak
> producing machines of my own.
> -sw
There is one piece of good news. A few years back, they bought their way
into the fish business in the Northwest. But, thank god, they failed at
that. No longer in that business.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener