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Default Sick and shunned

Gabby saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us all
about it on Fri, 12 Mar 2004 22:29:29 -0400:

>"Mike Beede" > wrote in message
>> In article >, Kathy

> wrote:
>> > People who suffer from environmental illnesses are asking to be included

>> > the Americans with Disabilities Act.

>> Want to bet there's at least one person that claims to be allergic to

>every spice?
>> I look forward with breathless anticipation to the destruction of the US
>> restaurant industry.

>A woman where my husband works claims to be allergic to fish and fish
>odours. Her reactions are apparently so bad that I can't cook fish at home
>if he's going to work the next day.

My fiance is deathly allergic to fish and shellfish... eating an Asian
pork dish with a few drops of fish sauce in it made him seriously ill
for 24 hours, and exposure to actual fish earns him an emergency trip
to the ER, but that doesn't stop him from feeding them to his cats! (I
do worry about him being accidentally exposed and I wish he

~Karen AKA Kajikit
Lover of shiny things...

Made as of 11 March 2004 - 41 cards, 23 SB pages (plus 2 small giftbooks), 42 decos, 10FBs

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