Sick and shunned
Gabby wrote:
> "Mike Beede" > wrote in message
> ...
>>In article >, Kathy
> > wrote:
>>>People who suffer from environmental illnesses are asking to be included
> in
>>>the Americans with Disabilities Act.
>>Want to bet there's at least one person that claims to be allergic to
> every spice?
>>I look forward with breathless anticipation to the destruction of the US
>>restaurant industry.
> A woman where my husband works claims to be allergic to fish and fish
> odours. Her reactions are apparently so bad that I can't cook fish at home
> if he's going to work the next day.
> Gabby
Of course you can; it's your house. If you choose not to cook fish because
you are a nice person that's your business. But don't let a hysterical
women where your husband works bully you and interfere with your household
(except if she is invited to dinner, which I suspect is not likely to ever