What do you use to clean calphalon pans?
limey wrote:
> "amanda" wrote >
> > Thomas (dot) wrote:
> >> I'll second this. A good soak in water to soften things up then
> >> barkeepers
> >> friend.
> > Where do you get that " Bar Keeper's Friend". I don't remeeber seeing
> > at stores. may be I didn't know enough to look for it.
> >
> I've bought it in the supermarket, next to the Comet and Ajax. They have
> also come out recently with a liquid version. I don't use Barkeeper's
> Friend right out of the can - I mix it in a very wet cloth until it's
> paste-like and use it on my stainless steel sink. Less abrasive that way.
> Dora
Barkeeper's Friend specifically says that it's not for use on anodized
surfaces, as Amanda has now mentioned her pans are.