Well, I'm moving out of state, and since I don't really use my Kamado
very much (I'm now single again) I might as well find it a good home!
It's a number 5 Kamado in a rich beige, Custom Mosaic color "Mosaic
Spice", with the following extras:
Stainless Steel Bands
#5 Custom Ceramic Cart
Stainless Steel Lower Bracket
15" Baking Stone/ Heat Deflector
Stainless Steel Grill
Stainless Steel Gas Burner System (propane)
Draft Door
It has received light use in the two years I've owned it. Cost was about
$1050 including shipping. The first $600 takes it, and I'll include
extras like my propane tank and my bags of lump charcoal.
PICKUP ONLY in Sarasota Florida. I can email a picture if you'd like to
see the color; further info available on Kamado's website:
Thanks for reading! Any questions, let me know.
The above email address is a spam-buster.
Please reply to cyberaudio84 at hotmail dot com.