Piao teapots
On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 10:41:26 -0800, Melinda wrote:
> Would someone please let me know of a good place online to buy a Piao
> teapot? I don't mean the Ingenuitea from Adagio...I'm not finding Piao at
> any of my usual bigger name online stores is why I ask. Anyone have one and
> want to share their experiences? I am particularly curious how hard they are
> to clean and whether they're dishwasher safe.
> Melinda
We've had several over the years. We tend to be a bit clumsy and glass
doesn't bounce. I've had one at work, too. But they can be a bit messy
which is why I prefer the Ingenuitea at the office.
However, if you're making for more than one, the Ingenuitea doesn't work
well. The Piao does. It makes it easy to split the tea.
They're dishwasher safe. In fact, Cascade (powdered, not gel or "block") is
the only thing I've found that will actually clean the patina off - even
underneath the mesh.
They used to be screwed together, so you could actually take the mesh out
and clean it. The newer versions - at least the one's I've seen - are glued
in place.
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thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a
noble soul." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe