Solve your carpet cleaning problems
Michael Dog3 Lonergan wrote:
> "Sheldon" > looking for trouble wrote in
> >
> > I would never waste my money on wall to wall carpet.
> >
> > Sheldon
> Biggest mistake we ever made. On top of the lunacy of buying it, we bought
> white wall to wall. Not so good with as many pets as we have. We're going
> to tear it out next year and redo the hardwood flooring. We're also
> thinking about putting down hard wood in the kitchen but that is not a
> definite yet.
We only have carpets in the bedrooms in this house. Rest of the rooms
have ceramic tiles. Very easy to clean, but you have to be careful if
you drop something heavy on them, because they do crack. And... as they
keep changing the designs/patterns its not always easy to replace them.
My folks used to have that wooden parquet flooring... and when stiletto
heels were fashionable, it used to damage them something terrible. I
remember good old Dad sanding them down and re-sealing them fairly