Solve your carpet cleaning problems
Sheldon wrote:
> Roberta wrote:
>>Yep :P I we have a 3 and a 5 year old and a carpeted dining
>>room....that's probably all I need to say LOL
> That just means your kids are crawling in filth, FILTH! When in a few
> years they develop allergies and respiratory disease they can blame
> you.
Well - we don't own the home...we are renting (the Navy moves us every 2
years, not really enough time to invest in a home) We do have the
carpets cleaned professionally every 6 months and have an area rug under
the dining table that we can get cleaned more often. Stains are a huge
problem though...if I was someone that owned rental property...I
wouldn't carpet it - it HAS to be more expensive for them in the long run.
I have lived with carpets all my life - I don't have anything wrong with
my lungs and I only have an allergy to shellfish (probably not caused by
carpeting...) We all do the best we can - If they don't blame me for
the carpet I am sure they will blame me for something else...all kids
find SOMETHING to blame their parents for :P
Roberta (in VA)