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sarah bennett[_1_] sarah bennett[_1_] is offline
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Default Solve your carpet cleaning problems

Roberta wrote:
> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>> Roberta > looking for trouble wrote in
>> news:CA9Ef.82514$4l5.23820@dukeread05:
>>> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>> In article .com>,
>>>> "Sheldon" > wrote:
>>>>> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>>>> "kimi" wrote:
>>>>>>> Solve your carpet cleaning problems
>>>>>>> Drainage solutions mop up flooding problems,Flooring the futu
>>>>>>> The science and art of ground under our feet,3 On Your Side:
>>>>>>> Cleaning While Dreaming,Q: What is the best type of carpet for my
>>>>>>> basement?,Green Cleaning Programs in Schools Get High Scores...
>>>>>> Or just get rid of the carpet. ;-)
>>>>>> Best move we EVER made!
>>>>>> My late mom's Pulmonologist said that wall to wall carpeting was the
>>>>>> WORST idea modern man ever came up with. It's very unhealthy.
>>>>> Yup, FILTH CITY. Wall to wall carpet can't be cleaned except on its
>>>>> very topmost surface... is why WOPS love it, especially that thick
>>>>> plush, the filthiest of all, it's cleaned how they bathe, once a year
>>>>> they wipe down the top surface with a damp dirty rag. No matter how
>>>>> often wall to wall carpeting is vacuumed and/or steam cleaned, most
>>>>> of the schmutz is simply pushed down into the backing and padding,
>>>>> where it rots, molds, and breeds destructive creatures. And wall to
>>>>> wall carpeting is ridiculously expensive, because once installled (a
>>>>> good half it's cost is lost to labor, and a good 25% in stupid
>>>>> padding) is reduced to the value of used newspaper.
>>>>> Buy area rugs... for less than an in-home steam cleaning they can be
>>>>> dry cleaned same as brand new, roll em up and deliver yourself for
>>>>> free... take them with you when you move, rearrange to redecorate,
>>>>> even keep extras rolled up in a closet to change with the seasons
>>>>> just as you do drapes to curtains... and if purchased wisely and
>>>>> treated with care will appreciate in value over time.... area rugs
>>>>> can even be shifted and rotated to equalize wear... they'll easily
>>>>> last a lifetime. Whenever you walk into a home laden with wall to
>>>>> wall carpeting,
>>>>> regardless how much was spent, and whatever other furnishings are
>>>>> present, it absolutely signifies that impoverished people live there,
>>>>> especially impoverished intellect. Imagine, many morons actually
>>>>> paying more than $50 a sq yd to cover their floors with something
>>>>> having no more value than used bubble wrap and filthier than a terlit
>>>>> hadn't been flushed in a month... stinks like it too. Get down on
>>>>> your hands and knees and sniff your wall to wall... yup, unwashed
>>>>> hairy armpits of a thousand french whores.
>>>>> I would never waste my money on wall to wall carpet.
>>>>> Sheldon
>>>> I'd not be quite that rude about it, but yeah, that's basically the
>>>> idea. It's impossible to really get it truly clean. It's very, very
>>>> bad for the sinuses and lungs... Dust, dirt and dust mites live deep
>>>> in that padding and no amount of carpet cleaning ever really gets it
>>>> out.
>>>> If you have allergies or lung issues, get rid of the carpet and use
>>>> area rugs. Those at least can be washed properly.
>>> When we finally own a home - that is exactly what I want to do. My
>>> husband is in the Navy so we move all the darn time...won't buy and
>>> have to sell every 2 years.
>>> I love the look of wood floors, even like the look of some things like
>>> marble tile...carpet just looks nasty too fast :P
>>> Roberta (in VA)

>> Our condos have all had parquet or hard wood flooring. I *thought*
>> having wall to wall in the house would keep maintenance of the floors
>> down. Boy was I ever wrong. We've had to buy one of those industrial
>> steam cleaner machines and the carpet still shows dirt and stains.
>> Michael

> Yep :P I we have a 3 and a 5 year old and a carpeted dining
> room....that's probably all I need to say LOL
> Roberta (in VA)

We've lived in our apartment for less than a year, and my carpet looks
worse then my mother's 15 year old carpet. Even in the areas where my
dad used to keep all his crap. I don't have my own steam cleaner, but I
clean up spills immediately and I rent a cleaner every few months. Still
looks like hell. My ideal home would be hardwood with throw rugs
throughout the house except the kitchen and bath (I'd want cork or
nice-looking linoleum in the kitchen, tile in the bath.)



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