Ham Before Science
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On 1 Feb 2006 08:18:17 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
>>Doug Kanter wrote:
>>>Question: How were hams made (and preserved) before
>>>the arrival of miracles like sodium nitrite? Tons of salt?
>>Of course salt. Only thing curing powders do differently is impart a
>>more attractive appearance/color.
> Curing also adds a flavor component. If you cure a ham with just
> salt, it will taste very different then one cured with salt +
> nitrites.
>>Salt occurs naturally (has since before life began), many, many foods
>>are still preserved with only plain NACL.... and brine.
> So, you're finally accepting the fact that a brine can used to
> cure meat?
> -sw
Curing in brine? Why would anyone question that? The writings of
yesteryear are filled with references to barrels of brined meat.
Recently, in a collection of 'receipts' from the mid 1800's, I read a
technique for restoring a 'tainted' barrel of brined meat.
You wanna measure or you wanna cook?