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jake jake is offline
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Default "Strange"foods that I discovered in AMsterdam, finally

Elaine Parrish wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, jake wrote:
>>I am getting more and more curious about this stuff. I am pondering
>>soaking vs non soaking, grinding vs non-grinding, savory, creamy,
>>casserole,breakfast dishes, all kinds of stuff.
>>But I'll buy a food processor first.
>>I'll post the results as soon as I can.

> You've got enough to do it all! <g>
> Do you ever cook dried beans or use dried fruit? The dried hominy is the
> same principle. So, you will need to soak it before you cook it (the whole
> kernel, I mean). I don't know if it would ever get done if you didn't. The
> ground up stuff takes 20 to 30 minutes to cook (you don't have to soak it
> first) and it is the size of grains of sand.
> The "old-timey" method for soaking dried beans is to soak overnight. The
> "new-timey" <g> way is to put the beans in the cook pot, use enough water
> to cover the beans twice, bring to a boil, boil 5 minutes, take off
> heat, cover pot with tight-fitting lid, and let set at least 1 hour before
> starting to cook. Either of these should work for dried hominy.
> Elaine, too

Elaine, I didn't discover this post until just now. Sorry for not
replying before. I'll try soaking etc , too

And I am not sure whether I said anything re hominy and Surinamese
origins: I do no t in any way mean to imply that it originally from,
there. I don't know where hominy ha originated. Surinam, has a very
multicultural history, so they could have "copied" it from a number of
places. And it seems to be an unusual food there, this was the first
time I ever saw it in a Surinamese store. Their stock of it was small.