Use what cloth/tissue to oil cutting board
On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 19:14:55 -0500, Pylls, Barry wrote:
> I use a kleenex to spread peanut oil on my cutting board
> to prevent it from drying up. Kleenex shreds very easily.
> It just turns to goo, leaving sludge everywhere. A bit of
> a pain.
> The logical alternative is to use a rag. But this seems
> environmentally unfriendly because it will be soaked with
> oil and take lots of soap and water to wash out. (The
> shredding kleenex is also environmentally hostile, but I
> tend to think less so because there so little of it).
> What is normal practice?
No, it's not anything close to normal practice. What were you
thinking???? Sheesh, if you can't find a paper towel in your kitchen,
you've got two hands... use them.
Practice safe eating. Always use condiments.