"Strange"foods that I discovered in AMsterdam, finally
: Elaine Parrish wrote:
: > Grits are made from dried hominy. Hominy is made from corn. Hominy and
: > grits are not the same consumer item. Un-dried hominy comes in a can.
: > Dried hominy is ground into grits, which reconstituted, makes a cereal
: > like cream of wheat.
: >
: > Elaine, too
: >
: Then I have dried hominy which I could grind into grits. So I have 2 in
: 1. Kewl. Plus, now I have an extra excuse for buying a food processor
: (which I haven't bought so far because I wasn't convinced I'd actually
: use it).
Putting dried hominy in a food processor is likely to ruin the blade. You
need a grain mill to properly grind it into grits.