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Timothy Hartley[_1_] Timothy Hartley[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Syrah - Oz cultural cringe?

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"Martin Field" > wrote:

> Australian winemakers have a long history of cultural cringing - that is,
> using European, mainly French names for their wines.

Was it then cringing or an honest recognition, if not of roots, at
least of grafting at a time when there was much more to be learnt from
Europe than to teach?
> Most finally stopped
> this pathetic practice after being dragged into the late twentieth century
> by litigation and international trade treaties.

You mean the lawyers, diplomats and politicians actually achieved

> But a few winemakers have short memories - a stroll through retail liquor
> aisles will reveal the increasing usage on Australian labels of the
> Frenchified term syrah (Ooh bloody la la) instead of the good ol' Aussie
> shiraz.

Just as well - we don't want any confusion between the two for the
poor ignorant fellow who might buy the wrong one of the two and expect
to get wine.

> Consumers beware, Australian wines labelled syrah will undoubtedly
> carry a premium price. Wine marketing tosseurs (******* in Australian) have
> a lot to answer for.

Thanks for the warning - I think I may stick to the Rhone with or
without varietal labels.

Tim Hartley