Johnny Dividas wrote:
> Andy Chung quoted:
> >"Penalties are prepared for mockers, and beatings for the backs of fools." (Proverbs 19:29)
> Now, now, Andy.If you were secure in the truth,
Those who walk with Christ are secure in the truth for HE **is** the
> you would also have the
> strength to resist the temptation of descending into namecalling.
Those who walk with Christ have HIS infinite strength.
> Remember, "namecalling is the crutch of those hobbling along without
> the truth."
> Now, back to the part of my post you discarded and ignored:
> As long as you can proselytize from the safety and comfort of your
> home/office/church with no personal risk, you seem to consider that
> adequate to bringing people to your religion.
The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform and not to either
proselytize nor to convert.
> Are you not willing to
> sacrifice or even DIE for your beliefs?
It remains my choice to obey the LORD and not test Him.
> A question has been posed to you, "doctor". Answer it.
Asked and answered.
> Many more now consider you a fraud.
Their opinion is as meaningless as yours. Only the LORD's opinion
> Sorry if the truth bothers you.
The LORD does not bother me but is the Source of my strength.
Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, cooking and nutrition that interest those
following this thread here during the next on-line chat (02/09/06) from
6 to 7 pm EST:
For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how the LORD has reshaped me:
Prayerfully in Christ's love,