Danish Counter-boycott
On Sun, 05 Feb 2006 11:06:39 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>Glitter Ninja wrote:
>> sf > writes:
>> >The Danish caricature depicted Mohamed (not just "any muslim") as a
>> >terrorist and that's what made them so mad. In any case, I think they
>> >are being hypocritical because they put caricatures of Jews and
>> >Christians in their newspspers daily.
>> I just read a post on LiveJournal (I can link it if you want) by a
>> gentleman who spent some years in the Middle East. He said that a
>> Muslim traditionalist will say that other religions can take criticism
>> because that religion is false. Islam is the truth so in their eyes any
>> criticism must be fought. If they do not fight against criticism of
>> their religion, it is offensive to their God.
>If there was truth to religion they would stand up to scrutiny and not have
>to protect themselves with the coercive pressures of rules of blasphemy. If
>they felt there was nothing to fear they wouldn't have to threaten
>consequences on Earth.
From God's mouth to your ears...