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Gregory Morrow[_2_] Gregory Morrow[_2_] is offline
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Default Danish Counter-boycott

sf wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 16:10:25 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:
> > Three cheers for Denmark. They did nothing wrong. The people
> > have no control over the newspaper than published the
> > offensive cartoons, and no one but a whacked Muslim would
> > even take offence. The crime of the Danish government was to
> > refuse to intervene because it is a matter of freedom of
> > speech. As a result, the Muslims are revolting ....again,
> > and calling for a boycott of Danish products.

> The Danish caricature depicted Mohamed (not just "any muslim") as a
> terrorist and that's what made them so mad. In any case, I think they
> are being hypocritical because they put caricatures of Jews and
> Christians in their newspspers daily.

Yup that is the absolute truth. Their hateful propaganda puts the spin
- meisters of the Third Reich or Stalin's USSR or Castro's Cuba to
absolute shame...Julius Streicher is but a piker compared to the
ignorant goons who infest and run most of the Arab media.

Even the Egyptian popular press constantly spews age - old lies about
Jews, e.g. that they sacrifice Christian children, etc. And this is a
country that is at relative *peace* with Israel...

I've noticed that not a whole lot of Arab newspapers/media are easily
available on - line. There is a *reason* for that...

If you have a shortwave radio you can tune in to some of the Arab state
- run stations that propagate this crap. It's laughable stuff to folx
like us, but not so funny when you realise that many, many millions
consider it gospel truth...
