What to do with a coconut?
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
.. .
> Stan Horwitz wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "D.Currie" > wrote:
>>> So now that I have the thing, I want to use it. I've found recipes
>>> for shredding the coconut and extracting the juice, which seems like
>>> a good idea since it avoids the texture issue. But what do I do with
>>> that juice and the stuff I drained?
>> During your search, didn't you find any recipes for coconut milk and
>> the meat? There are tons of coconut recipes out there. Just google
>> for them?
> Indonesian or Thai satay (sateh) beef, chicken or pork calls for coconut
> milk to be used in the marinade. Very tasty. Don't have my recipe handy
> but shouldn't be all that difficult for Donna to find.
> Jill
Well, that was an interesting search online. Most of the recipes didn't
include coconut milk at all. And some were just plain weird. But along the
way, I found one recipe that wasn't satay, but sounded interesting, where
the chicken is cooked in the coconut milk and served over rice. Maybe I'll
try that second.
But I also found a couple where the coconut milk was in the dipping sauce
and not in the marinade, which might be good for a first try...just in case
we don't like the cooked coconut flavor, the meat is still edible without
the sauce. If that works out, I can try cooking or marinating in the milk.
I guess I ought to peruse my cookbooks now and see what else I can find that
sounds interesting.
I must be going through some weird phase or something. The opposite of the
picky eater thing. Dinners have become quite the adventure where there's
often a mystery ingredient or some strange new recipe of some sort. We
finish eating, hubby says, "So what was that, anyway?"