Danish Counter-boycott
Dave Smith wrote:
> aem wrote:
> > Oh nonsense. I don't owe the Danes shit.
> I do. My father was shot down over Denmark during the war, and a lot of
> Danes risked their lives to help him escape to Sweden. But on a more
> general note, the thing that has really ****ed off the Moslems is that the
> Danish prime minister has refused to intervene because he considers it to
> be a matter of freedom of speech. That is a principle that most of us in
> the west value and we would hate to see that freedom lost because of
> threats of violence from fundamentalist thugs.
Remember the Danish resistance to the Nazi occupiers during WWII. They
managed to evacuate a goodly number of Jews to safe haven (at great
risk to themselves). IIRC when the Nazis stipulated that Jews must
wear a yellow Star of David the Danish royal family as a sign of
solidarity donned yellow Stars too...
Much of this resistance was passive - aggressive and often took
something of a comical turn - but it was fairly effective. The Danes
have lessons for us all...