Thread: Honey?
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Honey?

J.Lef wrote:
> I am not a large consumer of honey, but use honey in my daily
> teas, in my pizza crusts and occassionaly in a recipe.
> Now is it me, but the sweetness factor of the grocery store
> honeys (all the major labels) has seen to gone down, especially in the last
> two or three years. My taste buds are just fine with everything else, so I
> know its not me.
> Am I just imagining this, or is it possible, manufacturers are
> somehow diluting the honey somehow, even though the ingrediants say just
> honey?

Tastes do change as we get older so it is possible that you're not
perceiving sweetness the same as you did. Honey hasn't changed.
Perhaps you're using a different brand or buying honey made from
different flower blossoms, but honey tends to be uniformly sweet. If
the ingredients say "honey," you've got honey. Anything is possible,
but I'd be very surprised if you were getting diluted honey somehow.
Besides the labeling laws, honey is just hard to dilute or adulterate.
You'd be able to see it.
