Julia Altshuler wrote on 05 Feb 2006 in rec.food.cooking
> J.Lef wrote:
> > I am not a large consumer of honey, but use honey in my
> > daily
> > teas, in my pizza crusts and occassionaly in a recipe.
> > Now is it me, but the sweetness factor of the grocery
> > store
> > honeys (all the major labels) has seen to gone down, especially in
> > the last two or three years. My taste buds are just fine with
> > everything else, so I know its not me.
> > Am I just imagining this, or is it possible, manufacturers
> > are
> > somehow diluting the honey somehow, even though the ingrediants say
> > just honey?
> Tastes do change as we get older so it is possible that you're not
> perceiving sweetness the same as you did. Honey hasn't changed.
> Perhaps you're using a different brand or buying honey made from
> different flower blossoms, but honey tends to be uniformly sweet. If
> the ingredients say "honey," you've got honey. Anything is possible,
> but I'd be very surprised if you were getting diluted honey somehow.
> Besides the labeling laws, honey is just hard to dilute or adulterate.
> You'd be able to see it.
> --Lia
perhaps the honey you've had sitting in your cupboard/fridge for a while
has evapourated a tad...loosing water ...hence increasing sweetness a
The eyes are the mirrors....
But the ears...Ah the ears.
The ears keep the hat up.