Danish Counter-boycott
Arri London wrote:
> Michel Boucher wrote:
(Glitter Ninja) wrote in
>>>sf > writes:
>>>>The Danish caricature depicted Mohamed (not just "any muslim") as
>>>>a terrorist and that's what made them so mad. In any case, I
>>>>think they are being hypocritical because they put caricatures of
>>>>Jews and Christians in their newspspers daily.
>>But not caricatures of Moses or Jesus. They hold Moses and Jesus to be
>>Prophets equal to Muhammad, although they hold that Muhammad being the
>>most recent is the more accurate.
> YOu must never have lived in a Muslim neighbourhood. They do indeed
> caricature Moses and Jesus. And they do not consider Moses and Jesus as
> prophets equal to Muhammed.
>>>I just read a post on LiveJournal (I can link it if you want) by a
>>>gentleman who spent some years in the Middle East. He said that a
>>>Muslim traditionalist will say that other religions can take
>>>criticism because that religion is false.
>>Not true. Islam recognizes Christianity and Judaism as divinely
>>revealed religions. However, they do believe that the revelations have
>>been corrupted and it is the corruption that they attack.
> Islam recognises Islam as being superior to Christianity and Judaism.
> Muslims believe that Jesus isn't God; that really is blasphemy to a
> Christian.
As I understand it, islam recognizes Christians and Jews as "People of
the Book", but they consider Christianity and Judaism as apostate
religions. That's why they hate Christians and Jews more than other
"infidel" religions.
I wonder what Mohammed would think of his followers making these
pictures into "graven images" -- the muslim leaders are worshiping
Mohammed over Allah by making such a fuss about the cartoons.
Perhaps most muslims are peaceful people who just wanna be left alone to
live their lives, but islam is not a peaceful religion. (Most muslims
are not islamist radicals.) Christianity went thru a phase like that
about 1000 years ago, but we pretty much grew out of it.
Best regards,