trailer park trash cooking
In article .com>,
"Switch" > wrote:
> take a big cast iron skillet get it hot...put some lard in it
> fill the skillet up with fish eggs...brown them, then dump a huge bowl
> of beaten chicken eggs over the browned fish eggs...
> make 8 pieces of toast in the broiler...make sure there is one bright
> yellow spot in the middle.
> the rest of the toast should be brown and dry
> wash this tasty meal down with pabst blue ribbon
> braaaaaaaaap
Fish eggs, aka "caviar" are not exactly trailer trash food...... ;-)
Never served it with eggs. I generally do it with cream cheese but this
year for new years, I mixed red caviar with sesame seeds and coated a
cheese log with it. ;-) Sorry, no pic.
The part goers appreciated it.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson