On Sun, 05 Feb 2006 21:09:09 -0500, Boron Elgar
> wrote:
>On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 00:54:06 GMT, (Curly
>Sue) wrote:
>>On Sun, 05 Feb 2006 17:33:10 -0500, Boron Elgar
> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 5 Feb 2006 21:28:50 +0000 (UTC), (Glitter
>>>Ninja) wrote:
>>>>Dave Smith > writes:
>>>>>Curly Sue wrote:
>>>>>> The media sources which printed and reprinted the cartoons knew what
>>>>>> they were doing and where this would lead.
>>>>>How could they know that it would lead to violent demonstrations and acts
>>>>>of arson?
>>>> Don't be disingenuous. The cartoons (there are 13 of them) are almost
>>>>entirely negative and were the product of months of newspapers provoking
>>>>and criticising the Muslims in their country. They did it to
>>>>antagonize, end of story.
>>>Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated bullshit.
>>>The paper, with a circulation of about 150k, by the way, is a liberal
>>Specifically, liberal-independent-right-wing.
>If so, I stand corrected. I am finding conflicting online reports on
>its stance. That would make me suspicious of the paper to some extent,
>but what evidence do you have that the commission of the cartoons was
>of a deliberately provocative nature.
There is no other explanation for waving a red flag at a bull other
than to provoke.
>Take a look around you on the
>Internet, which reaches more than the circulation of 150 thousand as
>the Denmark paper....do you REALLY think that these cartoons are of
>some level of greater evil that what surrounds us daily?
I never said anything of the sort.
>And think...even if it *were* deliberately provocative, as KKK or
>White supremacists marching in African American areas or neo-nazis
>marching in Jewish areas, what justification is there from the kinds
>of behavior seen in Syria, Gaza & Lebanon? Is this merited? Is this
>not it its own way provocative in a very deliberate way?
The violence is not justified, but it's reactive not provocative.
>I do not care how hateful the cartoons may be though of by some. Any
>excuse is used by fundies on both sides of the aisle to control the
>media. The fundie, right wing American Family Association just made
>sure that a show (Book of Daniel) was pulled from the NBC lineup
>though it's organized protestations. I do not like those fundies
>trying to censor what I see, either. Do you want more examples of
>religion getting it knickers in a knot and trying to control what they
>do not like, even among those who do not belong to their religion?
There is as much of that from the secular "fundies," who get their
knickers in a knot and don't want to hear any mention of peoples'
religious beliefs.
>Look at the BS about the term "Happy Holidays," just a month
>ago...look at what has come up in discussions around here when people
>have been accused of being bigoted for not taking someone else's
>religious writing as the true word of their god.
And there is plenty of the secular fundies making ugly comments about
religious beliefs.
>>These guys can blah-blah all they want about their high-minded ideals
>>and who they didn't want to offend, but there's no doubt that they
>>were looking for a rumble. So they got it.
>I do not care what the newspaper published. I am a believer is freedom
>of the expression, even if it is espouses opinions I find repulsive.
>Once again, I offer the televised antics of Pat Robertson as a counter
Well, other people don't have the same beliefs as we do, and the
newspaper knew it. In fact that is why they commissioned the
cartoons. Pulling the strings of angry zealots makes that newspaper
culpable to some degree in the subsequent destruction.
>Riots and burning of embassies in reaction to these cartoons is
>idiotic, bigoted and untenable by any account. What happened Denmark
>was not incitement to riot, but the reaction to it has been insane
>over-reaction by fundamentalist bigots.
It seems that you don't see the cartoons as "bigoted," only the
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!