Danish Counter-boycott
Peter Aitken wrote:
> > That may be, but it was not the Danish people or the Danish government
> > that waved
> > a proverbial red flag. It was the action of the editors of a newspaper.
> > The
> > government's big sin is that the prime minister refused to have a meeting
> > with
> > some Islamic embassadors to discuss it because he thought that it was an
> > issue of
> > free speech.
> >
> What I find particularly troubling is that when the original cartoons were
> circulated in the Muslim world, some persons unknown added additional and
> even more offensive cartoons that they created, attributing them to the
> Danish newspaper, to further inflame the population. While much more
> blatant, this is akin to the continual program of disinformation from the
> Bush administration, with the willing help of Fox News and other servile
> "news" outlets, to whip up public support for the war and their other
> policies.
It would certainly be ironic that someone in the middle east, and presumably
Moslem, would create even more offensive cartoons than the originals. One would
expect that to be a greater sin than drawing or publishing the originals.