Danish Counter-boycott
"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 11:03:07 -0600, zxcvbob >
>> wrote:
>>>Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>>>And what is a "secular fundie"? Did you make that up all by yourself?
>>>>Ah...I have searched the term "secular fundie." Google sees it 77
>>>>times. It is used by right wing extremist religious web
>>>>sites...infrequently, at that, but that is its source. Did you pick it
>>>>up from one of those? Are you trying to express some sort of bigoted
>>>>statement about those who are do not believe about religion the way
>>>>you do?
>>>Try searching for "Secular fundamentalism" instead. You used "fundie" in
>>>a previous post and I believe Sue just picked up on it and tried to use
>>>your own words so you would understand them. HTH :-)
>>>Best regards,
>> "Fundie" is not a term that is confusing or misunderstood. The term
>> "fundamentalism" is well known, well defined and commonly understood.
>> Since the definition of "fundamentalism" mentions an opposition to
>> secularism, that would still make the term one of contradiction,
>> rather than substance.
>> Boron
> "Fundamentalism" is not well defined nor understood. Do a google search
> on "define: fundamentalism" (without the quotation marks) and you will see
> over a dozen widely conflicting definitions.
> Best regards,
> Bob
Google? Oh please.Useful to be sure but hardly the way to find valid
information. It will turn up everything from a well researched and perfectly
valid page at a university to the foam-at-the-mouth rantings of some
religious nutcase.
Peter Aitken