Nancy Young wrote:
> "Elaine Parrish" > wrote
> > You may well be correct in all the points you made. I've only known 2
> > beekeepers, both elderly men and neither a commercial farmer, and both
> > more than 30 years ago.
> We used to have a professional beekeeper here on rfc, I
> wonder how she's doing, from time to time. She had interesting
> stories about travelling around with their hives, and selling their
> honey to the big ... honey buyers.
> She went by the name busybee.
> nancy
The commercial (national brand) honeys are a blend, so are pretty much
homogenous/identical flavored/colored regardless where/when bottled.
The local private label honeys are not blended so are representive of
whatever flora is present at any given time and so are prone to major
changes in taste/color from one batch to another.. There is no way to
make "artificial" honey, nor is there any need to, honey bees do a
wonderful/plentiful job. There are many websites that explain the
honey story in great detail. These days most ten year olds know more
about the birds and the bees than Elaine, obviously.