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Marlene Wood Marlene Wood is offline
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Posts: 16
Default How'd you get your start in tea?

> Well, it's Monday morning and I have a stressful day ahead of me... so
> I figured I'd start a light topic (plus I'm new so I figured it would
> help me know where people are coming from). How did you get your start
> in tea?

I've had a facination with tea for as long as I can remember. Must have been
that childs tea set my mom bought me when I was 5 or 6. For the longest time
I was restricted to herbal teas. Not because I was young, but because I was
Mormon. Mormons arn't allowed to drink tea or coffee.
At about 16 I began to doubt my relidgion, and at 19, I left. Which freed me
to drink all the coffee and tea I wanted! Coffee was very available, but
lipton kinda sucked.
Then one wondeful new years, my husband and I went to Salt Lake's 'First
Night' celabration, and a tea house (the beehive tea house to be exact) was
offering tea leaf readings. The tea there was exceptional! The rest is