Danish Counter-boycott
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Peter Huebner
external usenet poster
Posts: 79
Danish Counter-boycott
In article >,
> Which is fairly close to the level of reality of this thread...
Michel, you are increasingly defending the indefensible.
I see caricatures of the pope in a newspaper - does this mean that catholics
all over the world are beginning to burn down New Zealand embassies? Not on
your nelly.
Nor have the Mormons declared a Holy War because somebody took the **** out of
Your argumentation sounds frightfully close to me to something like: We
shouldn't portray slaveholders in a bad light because it might hurt their
feelings. We shouldn't mention Nazi deathcamps because we might offend the
Nazis' political credo. Get real.
What we are seeing at the moment, across the Muslim world, and most likely
fanned by unsonscionable clerics and political agitators (to wit, the fake
drawings that are being circulated in Muslim countries) actually _confirms_
the perception the cartoonists captured on paper. No more, no less.
I can virtually guarantee that 99% of Islam doesn't give a shit wether X-
tianity is also a revealed religion or a pagan cult. With, maybe, the exception
of a few recluse scholars.
The bottom line a.f.a.i.c.s. is this: two tribes going "our tribe better than
your tribe" "We have big clubs" "We hit your women and children over the head
if you don't do as we say". (sorry, this is about as close to neanderthal speak
as I can get).
Usually I don't take sides in these conflicts, but in this case I know which
side I stand on. As a psychologist and social worker I have seen entirely too
much of how Muslim men, be they political refugees or be they immigrant
workers, behave towards their hosts and towards their own for me to have much
respect for that religion/culture. What decides me is not the theological fine
print (yeah, I have studied theology for 3 semesters, too) but the teenage girl
beaten to within an inch of her life because she wants another year of
schooling in a German highschool, or because she doesn't want an arranged
marriage with a 75 year old in Anatolia. Or outright stabbed to death by her
brothers because she allowed herself to be raped by one of their mates. Blah,
blah. Too much of that, entirely too much. Barbaric.
So somebody puts pen to paper to voice their opinion and here you come with
your 'revealed religion'. Sorry man, but that carries no more weight with me
than pastors who bless guns (remember, you shall not kill?!?) and Southern
Baptists who thank the Lord for the Nucular Bomb So We Can Show Those Reds.
The bloody lot of them should burn in Hell, unfortunately that's just a silly
concept to scare little children and the Hard of Thinking. And **** off the
politically correct with a brown ring somewhere around their neckline who can't
see what's going on around them because they have their head in the [not-sand].
regds, -Peter
firstname dot lastname at gmail fullstop com
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Peter Huebner
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