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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Danish Counter-boycott

notbob wrote:
> On 2006-02-07, Dave Smith > wrote:
>>Ranee Mueller wrote:
>>> I believe there were 12. Only two could be seen as insulting, in
>>>that they portrayed Mohammed with a bomb and one with a sword.

>>And to protest being portrayed with the violence of a sword and a bomb they
>>riot, kill, commit acts of arson and threaten to kidnap. It's not every group
>>that protests a stereotype by becoming a caricature of themselves.

> It's been claimed some extremist immams added three extra insulting
> cartoons to further incite the uncommitted.
> OBfood: breakfast of infidel cartoonists
> nb

Shouldn't these immams be stoned for blasphemy (drawing Mohammed with a
pig snout, etc) and bearing false witness by claiming that the Danes had
drawn/published them? I believe blasphemy and false witness of a
capital offense were both punishable by death under the Mosaic law, and
so probably also punishable by death under Islamic law.

Best regards,