Brand name vs generic
sarah bennett wrote:
> arent generic medications required to have the same active ingredients?
sure, they are still under the FDA, but I can say first hand all
ibuprofens are not created equal. Generic ibuprofens make me have night
sweats. I quit taking them
Advil? a breeze, Motrin? even better.
Motrins work excellent on my body, with less of a dosed feeling than
A few years ago, I watched a Nightline special (one of them shows)
they proved that childrens medicine is just a watered down version of
adult medicine.
Even doctors will tell you this. At least in the way of OTC meds.
So, why not just give a child less...of an adult medicine?
I think the general public would hurt their children by accident if
they tried to "cut" the adult version, so I think it is responsible of
the sorcerers to make a child version.