Danish Counter-boycott
Stan Horwitz wrote:
> > The actors are following the script.
> Sue, I couldn't agree more!
> The reaction to those cartoons was predictable and the newspaper's
> editors knew it.
I don't doubt that they expected some Moslems to be offended. There are
about 100,000 Moslems there, and some of them may actually have seen the
cartoons in question. I don't think that they would have expected the furor
to that arose, or that it would become an issue across the entire Moslem
> I am not condoning this violence, but I do plan to
> shop for some Danish products tonight though!
Good for you. I bought a case of Tubourg beer. It is one of my favourites
> I also suggest these newspapers spend more time reporting real news and
> less time trying to provoke their readers with comics.
And I would suggest that Moslems spend more time trying to present a better
image to the West instead of using this issue to vent their frustration.