Brand name vs generic
In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> > You just have to learn to pick and choose. A LOT of generics
> > are canned by the same places as the name brands! It's all in the
> > labelling.
> >
> > Same with turkeys. All those "name brand" turkeys come from the SAME
> > turkey farms and the SAME processing plants! They just get bagged with
> > different labels, or special injection treatments to order.
> It's not like the big companies have their own poultry farms. There are
> plants
> around with processing facilities and there are poultry farms. The eggs go
> to
> hatcheries. A farmer goes in and orders a bunch of hatchlings and sticks them
> in a
> big bran to eat and grow for 6-8 weeks. Then it gets to the point where they
> are
> not growing enough to get a return on the money it costs to feed them, so off
> they
> go to the processing plant. If someone else in the area has a barn full of
> birds
> ready to go at the same time, they don't get as much for the birds. If no one
> else
> has birds ready to go they get a better price. The consumer has no idea what
> farm
> their birds are coming from, and sometimes not even what country they are
> coming
> from.
I took ag classes in high school and was in the FFA.
We toured processing plants.
They are all the same birds from the same farms!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson